QuerySerialization is a Swift library that allows you to encode dictionaries into query strings, and to decode query strings into dictionaries. It also supports automatic percent encoding/decoding.
📚 Documentation
- iOS 8.0+
- macOS 10.9+
- tvOS 9.0+
- watchOS 2.0+
- Linux
QuerySerialization version vs. Swift version
Swift | QuerySerialization |
4.X | >= 1.1.0 |
3.X | >= 1.0.0 |
Swift Package Manager
Add this line to your Package.swift
.Package(url: "https://github.com/alexaubry/QuerySerialization.git", from: "1.1.0")
Add this line to your Podfile
pod "QuerySerialization"
Add this line to your Cartfile:
github "alexaurby/QuerySerialization"
Drag the QuerySerialization.swift
file into your project.
You use the QuerySerialization
class to encode or decode query strings.
To encode a dictionary into a query string, call:
let queryElements = ["key":"value","message":"Hello world"]
let queryString = QuerySerialization.queryString(fromDictionary: queryElements)
// queryString = "key=value&message=Hello%20world"
As you may notice, percent encoding is added automatically by default. You can opt-out this feature by using this instead:
let queryElements = ["key":"value","message":"Hello world"]
let queryString = QuerySerialization.queryString(fromDictionary: queryElements, urlEncode: false)
// queryString = "key=value&message=Hello world"
To decode a query string into a Dictionary, call:
let queryString = "key=value&message=Hello%20world"
let queryElements = QuerySerialization.decode(queryString: queryString)
// queryElements = ["key":"value","message":"Hello world"]
If a key or value contains percent encoding, it will be removed automatically. You can opt-out this feature by using this instead:
let queryString = "key=value&message=Hello%20world"
let queryElements = QuerySerialization.decode(queryString: queryString, removePercentEncoding: false)
// queryElements = ["key":"value","message":"Hello%20world"]
- Alexis Aubry me@alexaubry.fr
- You can find me on Twitter: @_alexaubry
QuerySerialization is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more info.